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Wedding Flowers by Charmed Flowers

A Charming Wedding

Planning your wedding can be a stressful as well as exciting time. With so much to think about it's important to make choosing your flowers as easy as possible. With Charmed Flowers, you can expect to receive personal service, friendly advice, creative solutions and shared excitement. We love weddings and go to great lengths to provide the most spectacular flowers on your day.

Old Fashioned Wedding BouquetConsultation

From your very first consultation right up to your wedding day we will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have. We take the time to really understand a couples hopes and expectations for their big day.

At your consultation its a good idea to bring along things such as magazines, your invitations, dress designs, fabric swatches and images from the internet, anything that will assist us in making your flowers exactly what you want.

As a Bride, your bouquet should reflect a sense of personal style. We will talk through the look and feel you want to achieve then design flowers that will amaze on the day and stay in your memory forever.

Enquire About our Special Wedding Flower Service:

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